Sustainability Goals

The Westminster Courthouse is planned to be an all-electric Net Zero Ready building

Net Zero (Energy) is a target where a building balances its energy needs with energy produced from renewable, zero-emission sources. Net Zero Ready is a building that has taken measures to ensure that on-site renewable energy can be provided via a subsequent project. In the case of the Westminster Courthouse the building is anticipated to be all-electric, with electrical panel space, conduit, and structural strengthening to employ solar both on the roof and on-site in order to achieve net zero.

The Westminster Municipal Courthouse is being planned to achieve LEED Silver certification. The methods to achieve the LEED Silver certification can vary, but initially identified targets include the following:

EV charging stations

Native, low-water adaptive plantings

Demolition and waste management plan for landfill waste diversion

Energy modeling with target 35% energy cost savings relative to baseline for LEED

Water-efficient interior fixtures

Heat island effect mitigation

Light pollution reduction

Environmental and health product declarations for selected building materials

Indoor air quality enhancement